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49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Cuando se trata de diseños de paisajismo, hay muchas ideas geniales para elegir. Una de las cosas más importantes que debe tener en cuenta antes de comenzar un proyecto de paisajismo es el tamaño del área que planea paisajismo.

¿Tiene un patio muy grande o un pequeño jardín lateral? ¿Eres dueño de una casa o estás alquilando un apartamento? Cualquiera que sea el tamaño del espacio del jardín que vaya a diseñar, ¡aquí hay muchas ideas para comenzar el camino hacia el jardín de sus sueños!

¡Sigue leyendo para conocer muchas ideas geniales, estrategias e ideas de diseño para que puedas comenzar a planificar las tuyas!


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Si ese clásico jardín inglés es tu objetivo, ¡este es un gran plan estratégico! La floreciente entrada a la terraza y las maravillosas flores a lo largo del camino de tierra son clásicamente campestres. Inglaterra es conocida por sus lujosos jardines, ya que tienen el clima perfecto para algunas de las plantas más hermosas conocidas por el hombre, pero si desea crear el mismo paisaje exuberante, intente encontrar plantas nativas en su área que seguramente prosperarán y florecerán. no importa el clima.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

¿Imagina caminar por un camino sinuoso a través de este oasis temprano en la mañana? Las laderas siempre deberían tener jardines en flor, creo. Si tiene una ladera calva o un área abovedada con la que no está seguro de qué hacer, puede crear fácilmente su jardín personalizado en la ladera plantando árboles y arbustos directamente en el suelo o utilizando camas de jardín elevadas. Cualquiera que sea el método que planee usar, la organización es la clave. Después de todo, no quieres una trama desordenada.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Este patio colorido y exuberante es el escenario perfecto para la primavera. Desafortunadamente, las semillas no brotan en hermosas flores de la noche a la mañana, pero si planifica con anticipación y escala un diseño, podría lograr fácilmente este hermoso aspecto para cuando la primavera haya brotado nuevamente. Los lechos de jardín ondulados se pueden mantener limpios con corredores o caminos de semillas que lo ayuden a determinar de qué manera desea que se coloquen sus plantas. Dejar un camino de hierba, como se muestra en esta foto, puede agregar algo de color de lienzo a la escena.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Dale a tu jardín un aspecto limpio incorporando un camino de piedras. Esto hace que sea el camino perfecto para que los invitados vean fácilmente todas sus plantas coloridas sin dañar el césped o ensuciar sus zapatos con barro. Es beneficioso para sus invitados, para sus plantas y para usted cuando necesite regar un poco el jardín. Puede elegir cualquier estilo de ladrillo para crear un camino y, si desea dejar espacio entre las piedras, puede rellenar los huecos con roca de relleno o guijarros, o simplemente dejar un espacio más amplio entre las piedras para que parezca una piedra grande. sendero.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Dale carácter a tu área exterior usando coloridas macetas de cerámica. Las macetas vienen en todas las formas, tamaños y colores, por lo que puede elegir fácilmente algunas macetas que le den más vida al área de su patio trasero. Las macetas también son una manera fácil de construir un tema sin tener que usar demasiado material o decoración adicional. ¿Quieres que el jardín luzca rústico? Consigue algunas macetas de adobe o de barro sin pintar para darle al área esa sensación rústica sin tener que crear un plan de estrategia de decoración completo.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Utilice su espacio exterior agregando un invernadero a la mezcla. Ya sea que tenga espacio para un invernadero grande o necesite apegarse a uno más pequeño, un invernadero puede albergar todo tipo de plantas diferentes que quizás no quiera que estén al aire libre. Esta es también una excelente manera de hacer que su espacio al aire libre sea más elegante. Sea creativo con su invernadero:agregue pequeñas luces alrededor del interior o el exterior y agregue algunas plantas completamente únicas que crea que la mayoría de la gente no ha visto en ningún otro lugar.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Casi siempre es la hora del té en este hermoso jardín campestre, o al menos debería serlo. The table and chair set is right in the middle of the lushest part of this gorgeous scene. With so many great garden attributes, this would be the perfect setting for any kind of occasion. You could easily seat more people in this area by adding a larger table or maybe even a few more chairs. Since the scene is already so quaint, it’d probably be best to keep the furniture at a minimum not to distract from the awesome scenery.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Make your oasis unique in creating an interesting covered path like this one in the picture. Although technically it shouldn’t be considered a covered path, the pathway is marked by an interesting structure above it. It’d be great to add little lights to this kind of yard feature to make the pathway sparkle at night. It’d also be an easy addition to decorations if you’re hosting an event. If you have creeping vines or ferns growing in your plot, utilize a structure like this to have the plant start to grow onto it. This would create an all-natural covered pathway.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Make your garden a Zen space by creating spiral walkways. Using garden stones or bricks, you can easily create different shapes or spirals to give your outdoor area that peaceful, serene vibe. Much like sand gardens, areas like this are meant to help make you feel centered and relaxed. The best part about these Zen spaces is that there is no sand required. No sand equals no mess. The stone or rock pathways will hold up through wind and rain, and just look plain awesome.

*También te puede interesar:  Desert Landscaping Ideas


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Don’t have a lot of space to work with? No worries at all. This vertical idea is the perfect way to utilize a tight space and still give you a pretty great outdoor scene. Essentially this plot has sort of a stacked design, placing each of the plants on top of each other. They are separated by tiers, and are typically super easy to maintain and water. Mix up the scene by creating a blooming wall for all your friends to enjoy. You can really get creative with the colors in this design.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
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Create your own edible oasis that doubles in beauty and sustainability. Backyard gardens are highly popular right now and they are definitely a trend that is here to stay. Imagine a garden overflowing with color. Vegetables in general are colorful, but by adding fresh herbs and plants you can literally create a kaleidoscope of edible color. Deep greens, vibrant reds and bright yellows are just some of the colors you can see in your own edible garden landscape. Make sure you plant your plot seeds accordingly, however, as certain fruits and vegetables need specific times to be harvested.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
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When you are trying to landscape a bigger area, make the most of your space by creating sporadic plant beds. Instead of having to cover a lot of area at once, you can easily save time and money by creating smaller plot clusters. Not only will this give your outdoor space a clean look, you won’t be overpowering the area by using too many plants. You definitely can have too much of a good thing when it comes to plants, so this is a sure way not to overdo it.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Make your outdoor space a work of art by incorporating some interesting statues. Whether it’s a large focal piece, as depicted, or a few smaller interesting elements, you can liven up the feel of your plot by incorporating some art into it. You can also go as far as having a specific piece custom made for you if you know an artist that does welding and specializes in outdoor sculpting. As with most of these ideas, you can get as creative as you want with this concept.



49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Create a customized landscaping job by incorporating bricks into your garden. Brick paths can easily be used to separate certain plants or areas in your garden from each other, and create a pretty impressive walkway. You don’t have to worry about raise planting boxes or garden beds by utilizing this method since everything will be organized, just in the ground. You can get as colorful or unique in the brick layout as you please. You could even add a watering system easily by using PVC pipe for a sustainable garden that wouldn’t cause you a hassle.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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This odd, but effective, set up is the perfect way to separate vegetables without having to create raised garden beds or fencing your veggies in. Not only is this a smart hydroponic system, but this is the perfect idea for those who want to embark on a sustainable lifestyle by growing their own food. Whether you have a very large area to cover or even something as small as an apartment side garden, you can easily cater this design to fit your growing needs.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

If you have a large outdoor space you’re not sure what to do with, easily make it a little oasis! Even if the area is paved or has cement, you can easily create yard boxes to house all sorts of vegetables and herbs. Of course, using plant boxes isn’t limited to edible plants – you can have all sorts of flowers or bushes, depending on what you want to utilize that space as. Better yet, you can easily move your boxes around instead of having to uproot a plant from the ground.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

A wall garden or vertical one is the perfect way to grow some of your favorite veggies without taking up so much space. The plants are easily situated into a wall space and are right there for whenever you need them. Imagine not having to run to the store any time you needed fresh basil or tomatoes? This is a great idea for a smaller space or even an apartment setting. Given the amount of plants you plan on harvesting, you could also install a self-watering system.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

A hydroponic set up is a system sustained by a hydroculture method which uses a nutrient rich solvent instead of soil. Imagine not having to deal with messy soil at all? This method may be a bit trickier, but in the long run it will save you time and hassle. Using a system of pipes, such as PVC pipe, you can run a series of rows that have holes in them so the roots are exposed to the water mixture and the plant is free to grow outside the pipe through the hole. It’s a unique method that will save you time and space.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Raised garden beds may seem a bit difficult at first, especially if you’re planning on constructing them yourself, but they really aren’t that hard to build and even easier to maintain. Instead of planting in the ground, these boxes help protect your plant and they can be easily moved given the weight of the box. Once the box is constructed, you simply fill it with dirt and plant away. Depending on how fancy you want to get, you could also install a self-watering system.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

What a picturesque scene this is! Imagine looking out your kitchen window to this wonderful garden and quaint little cottage in the background. You could easily create your own garden viewable from your own kitchen. Not only will it be a fun process in growing your own vegetables, but you can make your outdoor garden a focal piece. It’d be great having something as pretty as this garden in the photo to look at while doing dishes or other kitchen chores.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Even if you’re growing vegetables, that doesn’t mean your garden has to be specifically for that. You can easily make your veggie garden beautiful enough to relax in by using different kinds of organization elements. The trellis in the back of this photo gives the garden character while serving a purpose. You can grow any type of flowering vine or grapes on a trellis like that. The garden in this photo is clean and organized, which gives you a feeling of satisfaction.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Help protect your garden from unwanted visitors like opossums or rabbits by installing a fence around it. It doesn’t matter the space of your outdoor area – if you have a small garden, you’ll just need a smaller amount of fencing. If you wanted to protect the garden from birds, as well, you could easily cover the top portion of the garden with more wire mesh or fencing. Of course, the larger the area you’re fencing in, the more support you’ll need. You may want to install a support beam in the center to prevent the mesh from hanging down.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

This well-organized garden was clearly thought out beforehand. Plants do need room to grow, so it’s important you scale your garden area appropriately and organize it accordingly. If you haphazardly plant your seeds, the plants will grow that way, as well. You don’t want overcrowding to occur, so make sure your rows are neat and straight. Your plants will thank you for the consideration by growing big and tall. They’d definitely supply better produce, as well. It’s worth a little extra planning at the get go.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Here’s a perfect example of decorating your garden so it can double as a focal point or even a space to find relaxation. The wooden pillars and fencing provide shelter to your garden and also double as a well-organized space to relax in. Who wouldn’t want to tend this garden when everything is so precise and organized? It may take a bit extra work, but as you can see, it’s totally worth it in the end. Any outdoor space would look infinitely more put together with a well-organized garden.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Using brick or stone, create your own winding curved garden paths that cut right between your blooming plants and produce. It’s a great way to keep your plants organized and an even better way to keep your shoes clean from watering and tending to the garden. You could even utilize garden boxes with a layout like this, you’d just need to make sure the boxes were just the right size so there wouldn’t be any spillover or space between the box and the walkway.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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As if raised garden beds weren’t impressive enough, you can form them to create artistic shapes or designs in your outdoor space. This is a great way to add some decoration to a smaller space or just a great way to make your garden completely unique. Whether you get them custom designed or you want to create them yourself, these garden boxes are sure to be the center of attention at your next patio party or garden shindig.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Adhering to the concept of raised garden boxes, these water troughs can double as a pretty interesting addition to your outdoor space. The beauty about this idea is that there is no assemble required since water troughs come ready made in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Don’t limit yourself to water troughs – any type of container could be used, really. Just keep in mind that certain materials like tin or metal can rust over time when exposed to the elements.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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I love this garden idea because it looks as if the garden beds have just been cut out of the earth. I guess essentially, they have. This is a unique and fun idea for growing plants in the ground instead of using garden beds or raised garden boxes. Get creative with the shapes and sizes you want to use in this type of garden layout. Just remember extra tending would be in order to prevent any grass from spilling over and growing into the actual garden area.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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This is a great idea for a simple renovation to a pre-existing garden or even a great demo for a future garden plan. The little lights on the walkway structure make the garden look almost fairy-like. The garden stones look as if they are shining in the setting sun, making the whole scene dreamy and pleasing to look at. This is a great example of what you can do with an outdoor space and how gorgeous simple attributes, such as those lights, can be.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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This is a great concept for livening up a garden area! Using frames, easily showcase smaller potted plants or cactus in them. Succulents and cactuses would probably be best for this since you can find relatively small plants, but you could essentially use any kind of plant. Just make sure the plant wouldn’t be too heavy and fall off the frame. Get funky with the colors and play with the space. The dark flooring in this garden space really makes those frame colors pop.



49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
One of the most beautiful elements you could add to any outdoor space is a water feature. Water features don’t necessarily need to include fountains, or even rushing water, for that matter. If you have the space, you could create a rock pond. Ponds are a great way to incorporate an interesting element to your space and you can get so creative with pond ideas. The large stones that make up this pond are gorgeous to look at and you guests will think so, too.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Creating your own rock garden would be a great way to add a garden area to any part of your outdoor space. Using small garden stones or landscaping rocks, you can easily plant flowering bushes, like the ones pictured, to create a gorgeous space that is unique and fun. Adding larger stones into the garden will add a level of artistic intrigue and will certainly look impressive to anyone who visits your garden. The best thing about rock gardens is that you don’t need to landscape too often, unless it’s to weed out grass that decides to grow in between the rocks.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
Create your very own garden waterfall by incorporating this feature into a stone pond. The fact that the waterfall is so tiny is not only cute, but it would be a great addition to all sorts of garden designs and spaces. The sound of moving water is naturally calming, so this would especially be a great addition to your next garden party or outdoor event. Thankfully most water features can be sized up or down depending on your space.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
Those huge boulders along the side of this garden stream seem to act as barriers between the water and the bank. This would be the perfect addition to a larger garden space that needs some sprucing up or a great way to add depth to a pre-existing water feature. You would need a relatively large outdoor space to incorporate this rock stream idea, but if you have the space, it’d be a wonderful addition that would completely transform your yard.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
This rock fountain is not only a great way to add an interesting element into your garden area, but it’s absolutely adorable! This feature kind of reminds me of a wishing well, for some reason. Mostly since the rocks are surrounding a small pool of water that would certainly invoke some wish-making. Instead of a standard fountain feature, this one is comprised of those smooth garden stones that add so much character to the space. The water feature itself is made up of flatter garden stones – so unique!


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
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If you have a particularly difficult piece of land you can’t seem to fill or an area that is relatively devoid of sunlight inhibiting anything from growing there, why not create a stone garden? Playing on the artistic garden statue idea, these stone pieces would make an interesting addition to all sorts of spaces. The larger the area, the large the stones can be, and vice versa. You could even incorporate some smaller blooming plants into the rocks, too.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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From the stone garden tiles to the decorative rocks in the background, this scene is the perfect example on how versatile garden rocks can be. Using rock elements in place of turf or grass not only saves you time in landscaping, it’s also a modern way to freshen up an outdoor space. If you live in a more tropical area or near a beach, this could be the safest alternative for you in place of grass since tropical areas can be a bit more difficult to landscape.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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As mentioned before, tropical areas have a tendency to be a bit more complicated when it comes to landscape design. At least, complicated in the sense that you can’t plant many plants that aren’t native to that specific area. Since most of these places are in close vicinity to an ocean, the ground can be saltier and kill plants that aren’t sturdy enough to withstand it. Help fill in those empty spaces in landscaping designs by adding rock filler to create a unique tropical garden.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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You don’t have to travel to Asia to mimic their adorable garden ideas. Bring Asia to your home by incorporating elements distinct to that country. Most Asian cultures have in-house garden areas that feature smooth rocks, small streams and plenty of bonsai trees. Gardening is meant to be a Zen experience, so these gardens always invoke that sense into the landscape. Adding tiny essential elements like that little house and trees are a great way to create a completely unique garden area.



49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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You don’t need two tickets to paradise when you can create it in your own backyard. This garden idea brings the best of a tropical paradise right to your back door. Plenty of tropical plants, palm trees and a great water feature can easily invoke an island getaway. Add an outdoor tiki bar and some barbecue pits, and you’ve practically created your own resort. The rock pathway that cuts into this tropical garden escape is a great addition that really ties the space together.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Make your outdoor space look like a jungle by incorporating plenty of trees and lush plant life. With so many tropical elements in this garden idea, it’d be hard to miss the point of the theme. Tropical plants usually don’t require too much water or tending, but can grow wildly out of control if you don’t check up on them regularly. By using plenty of trees, you can easily help reduce plant roots from spreading out over your entire outdoor space and wreaking havoc on your other plants.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Imagine sunbathing in this garden landscape reminiscent of a resort straight from Bali? The best thing about planning out a landscaping idea is that you can invoke any style, country or theme you want. When you’re going for that tropical landscaping theme, incorporate plenty of elements you’d find in your favorite tropical places such as plants, vines, flowering bushes, trees and other elements. In this gorgeous design, the actual carvings of the stone garden walls make this scene exquisitely tropical.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
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Some of the greatest things about using succulents in your landscaping idea is that they do well without a lot of water and they grow really quickly. They also look naturally tropical and can invoke that sense of paradise easily into any landscaping plan. With this pathway idea, succulents help line the edges of the walkway and create a Zen space. Those great palms sprouting above the scene give this garden idea an extra feeling of paradise.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín
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Incorporate unique designs into your tropical garden landscape to create a fun area for guests to walk through. As pictured, this circular entrance way is lined with creeping ferns and vines. The more plants, the better when it comes to establishing a tropical theme in your garden. You can easily incorporate plants necessary to make your space look like a little slice of paradise despite your location. Any landscaping store can help you make the appropriate selections.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Whether it’s Asia you’re trying to channel or another area of the globe, adding elements that cater to the theme are important. In this photo, this garden is decorated to fit that Asian feel. The minimalistic wooden garden frame and that massive decorative coin help make this space adhere to the theme so you aren’t lost. Often times, plants can do this on their own, but you can definitely add those extra steps to make your garden theme prominent.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Make your garden tropical and magical by using plenty of ethereal plants and decorative elements. In this tropical garden idea, decorative stones and vividly colored plants really make this scene pop. The sun hitting the plants only make their unique colors stand out even more. Colors really are important when determining the layout of a garden, tropical or otherwise. Using elephant ear ferns or any plant with wide leaves like the ones depicted can help add to the tropical feel of the space.



49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Roses by themselves are a classic and traditional flower – if not THE most classic flower on earth. If you need to make a more formal garden space, you can’t go wrong with the unmistakable elegance of the rose. Rose bushes tend to grow very quickly and if cared for properly, should produce full roses almost all year long. In this garden idea, a courtyard-like theme is inspired by these clean rows of rose bushes and elegant land décor.


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

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Imagine how great this garden smells? There are roses everywhere! Using roses grown into hedgerows is a classic look that royalty throughout the world has used in their own formal gardens. Whether you’re planning a formal garden or just want a classic rose element, you cannot go wrong with these great walls of roses. Smaller blooms typically grow easier and can adhere to hedges a bit easier than the standard sized roses. Add different colors in blooms to the space to create a wonderful garden of color and smell!

*También te puede interesar:  63 of the Best Landscape Hedge Ideas:#39 is Awesome!


49 impresionantes ideas para paisajismo de jardín

Delicate little buds open up under the bright sun in this great landscaping idea. This is a wonderful idea to keep in mind if you have a covered pathway you’re not sure what to do with. The pink blooms in this photo look absolutely gorgeous, but one of the best things about roses is how colorful they can be. Mix and match colors, or experiment with different shades within that same hue to create your own distinct rose covered path. Your eyes and nose will thank you for it.


As you can tell, there are so many great garden ideas out there! Don’t let the size of your outdoor space overwhelm or underwhelm you – you can easily create most of these ideas to scale no matter what the size of your landscape is.

Create a babbling rock brook or a covered pathway for a wonderful canopy of roses. Feeling more tropical? Plenty of palms and ferns are your go-to items for that project! These are just a few ideas for you to skim over, but you can utilize all sorts of different elements and designs to create your own fantastic garden.

So get out there and start planning! Let us know how it goes by commenting on your progress or posting pictures! Good luck and happy gardening.

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