Si está trabajando en un proyecto de paisajismo que requiere suelo/terreno compacto y nivelado, una placa compactadora es su mejor opción para garantizar que lo obtendrá. Los compactadores de placa reducen el espacio poroso entre las partículas del suelo, trituran objetos pequeños que interfieren con el paisajismo y aumentan la densidad del suelo.
Sin embargo, los compactadores de placa vienen en una amplia gama de tamaños, estilos e incluso usos, por lo que será útil mirar un poco antes de dar el paso. Estamos aquí para ayudarlo, con reseñas de las 5 mejores placas compactadoras disponibles actualmente en el mercado.
Los 5 mejores compactadores de placas de Backyard Boss para 2022
![]() | Compactador de placa vibratoria eléctrica Tomahawk con motor Kohler |
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![]() | Compactador de placa de fuerza de compactación YardMax de 2500 lb |
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![]() | Compactador de placa vibratoria Tomahawk Power con almohadilla de polietileno y ruedas |
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![]() | Compactador de placa de fuerza de compactación Wen 7 HP 4500 libras |
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![]() | Pisón vibratorio Honda Tomahawk Power de 3 HP con motor Honda GX100 |
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En Backyard Boss nos dedicamos a los proyectos al aire libre, sean del tipo que sean, y trabajamos arduamente para encontrar los mejores productos posibles. Pasamos horas en nuestros propios hogares trabajando con productos como los que recomendamos, buscando información sobre esos productos y experimentando y aprendiendo con ellos.
Realizamos proyectos al aire libre a diario y tenemos décadas de experiencia en proyectos de paisajismo y mantenimiento de hogares y jardines. Nos encantan nuestros patios y nuestras colecciones de herramientas, y constantemente buscamos mejorar nuestros conocimientos y habilidades para usarlos. Investigamos, estudiamos y revisamos productos regularmente para aumentar nuestro conocimiento y profundizar nuestras habilidades como revisores y jardineros, aprendiendo las mejores marcas, las características correctas para buscar, encontrar las mejores garantías de productos y evaluar honestamente los problemas que tienen los productos.
Hemos estado donde usted está ahora:buscando la opción correcta en equipos para proyectos grandes, medianos y pequeños en la casa y el hogar. Con nuestra experiencia, recursos y conocimientos, podemos ayudarlo a explorar los productos más rápidamente y encontrar el adecuado para sus proyectos.
BackyardBoss 5 mejores compactadores de placas
La mejor placa compactadora "sin lujos"
Compactador de placa vibratoria eléctrica Tomahawk con motor Kohler

- Compactador de placa vibratoria con 3000 lbs. fuerza de compactación.
Por qué nos gusta: Una placa compactadora potente y fácil de manejar que la mayoría de la gente puede pagar y usar sin estrés.
El motor y la construcción de la placa compactadora son robustos (bien construidos y duraderos, con algo de peso). La placa vibratoria TPC80 es capaz de realizar trabajos bastante significativos en paisajes duros, paisajes e incluso carreteras.
La placa compactadora utiliza un motor Kohler Command PRO CH260 de 6 HP para triturar y compactar rápidamente granulados y agregados para colocar aceras, patios, entradas de vehículos y superficies de adoquines. El compactador se desplaza a una velocidad máxima de 79 pies por minuto con una facilidad casi sin esfuerzo y un bajo consumo de combustible.
Quién debería comprarlo: Los aficionados al bricolaje que busquen un modelo de gama media para sus necesidades de compactación de superficies encontrarán que este compactador de placa vibratoria Tomahawk es fácil de usar y perfecto para trabajos básicos.
La mejor placa compactadora para proyectos económicos
Compactador de placa de fuerza de compactación YardMax de 2500 lb

- Compactador de placa de tamaño medio autopropulsado con un presupuesto
Por qué nos gusta: Esta placa compactadora autopropulsada es asequible, fácil de usar, compacta y proporciona una compactación de tamaño medio.
La placa compactadora es fácil de usar, gracias a su tamaño compacto y ruedas de transporte. La máquina autopropulsada entrega 5.500 golpes por minuto utilizando el motor de 6,5 HP. La máquina utiliza una placa estampada de una pieza sin cordones de soldadura, lo que evita daños por oxidación y agrega resistencia, planitud y suavidad a la placa.
El compactador utiliza un volante centrífugo para mejorar el control del motor, y el motor de válvulas en cabeza OHV ofrece un alto rendimiento confiable, todo dentro de un presupuesto.
Quién debería comprarlo: For folks looking for decent coverage in speedy times at a budget-friendly price, this Yardmax plate compactor is just the ticket.
Best Plate Compactor With Poly Pad and Wheels
Tomahawk Power Vibratory Plate Compactor Tamper with Poly Pad and Wheels

- Cast iron plate compactor with wheels and poly plate with compact design
Por qué nos gusta: This plate compactor from Tomahawk Power is perfect for compacting soil, asphalt, gravel, and other materials in narrow, awkward spaces, thanks to its compact design.
This plate compactor is designed to fit into tight, awkward spaces while still providing a powerful punch of force at 3,000 lbs. per square foot, with 6,4000 blows per minute. The compactor maneuvers easily through narrow passages and in cramped spaces, crushing down soil, asphalt, gravel, and more for your hardscaping and landscaping needs.
The compactor uses a chain-driven 6 HP Kohler OHC engine and has achieved 100% compaction ratings on-field density tests and nuclear densitometers. The compactor uses a cast-iron poly plate and steel exciter box and plate with an optimized speed of 5,800 RPM and a travel speed of 79 feet per minute.
Quién debería comprarlo: Those looking for a compactor for use in narrow spaces will find this easy to maneuver, thanks to the compact design and attached wheels.
Best Plate Compactor For Heavy-Duty Projects
Wen 7 HP 4500-Pound Compaction Force Plate Compactor

- Heavy-duty plate compactor with robust engine offering 4,496 lbs. of force at 5,400 blows per minute
Por qué nos gusta: This plate compactor provides you with loads of power, intense compaction, and plenty of blows per minute to get the job done in a timely fashion.
The plate compactor provides you with 4,496 pounds of force at 5,400 blows per minute, using a 212cc engine (larger than most in its class). The compactor has easy maneuverability, thanks to the unique swing over the handle and compact design. The machine is heavy and has no wheels, but most folks report being able to use it with ease.
The machine is designed for durability at an affordable price for a mid-sized compactor with an angled combustion chamber engine, pull recoil start, and low-oil shutdown functions to protect the engine. The vibrator isolators between the welded steel plate and engine also help to reduce unnecessary vibration and thus extend the engine’s life.
Quién debería comprarlo: This compactor from Wen is great for folks looking to do heavy-duty jobs, thanks to the powerful engine and incredible compaction force.
Best “Jack” Plate Compactor
Tomahawk Power 3 HP Honda Vibratory Rammer Tamper with Honda GX100 Engine

- Jack hammer style plate compactor for tight spaces and lower loads - with as loads of power.
Por qué nos gusta: This is a small compactor with a “jackhammer” style design, allowing easy use with plenty of power.
Designed for use for retaining walls, patching asphalt, trenches, and other smaller compacting jobs, this Tomahawk Power jack plate compactor gives up to 3,000 lbs. force per square foot.
The small compactor is powered by a 3 HP Honda GX100 engine and designed for incredible balance with a lightweight design for easy use. The compactor has a lifting hoof, and loading rollers, and loads and unloads easily. Plus, it’s built as tough as the other Tomahawks and works just as well.
Quién debería comprarlo: This compactor is made for small jobs that still require plenty of power.
How to Choose the Right Plate Compactor for Your Projects

Whether you’re getting a plate compactor for use for your home projects like that new driveway or patio, or you’re a contractor getting new equipment for the biz, there are several things you’ll want to consider as you look through plate compactor choices.
Types of Plate Compactors
First off, it’s important to know what kind of plate compactor you’re looking for and what they do. The whacker plate (plate compactor) is typically made of steel or cast iron, and the compactor runs on either gasoline or diesel. The plate vibrates rapidly, compressing the soil/asphalt/gravel as the compactor runs over it.
There are two basic types of compactor:reversible and single. Most of the mid-sized and small compactors are single. Single compactors move in only one direction – but thanks to their smaller size, the good ones are easily maneuvered in whatever direction you need. Reversible plate compactors can also move backward (as the name implied), but they’re generally more difficult to control.
For most folks, we’d recommend you a single plate compactor, because they’re generally easier to use.
Style of Compactor
There are two basic styles of compactors for non-commercial use as well. The most common is the standard style with a singular raised handle. These are typically used for larger jobs like patios and driveways.
The second style is the jackhammer style – which is most often used for smaller projects like retaining walls and patch repairs.
Compaction Force
Compaction force is one of the main things to consider as you shop for your plate compactor. Most have a minimum of 2,000 lbs force per square foot, but in many cases, this simply isn’t enough.
Heavy-duty commercial compactors offer forces up to 20,000 lbs. per square foot. Generally, somewhere in between is enough for most folks. For driveways, retaining walls, patios, and similar, ideally, compaction levels will be 2,500 to 6,000 lbs. per square foot.
Additionally, consider the VPM (vibrations per minute) or BPM (blow per minute). The vibrations are what help the soil and other granules to settle in, so the vibrations or blows are equally important. Most mid-sized plate compactors that do the trick run between 2,000 and 6,000 BPM. Those with lower BPM will still do it but may take a little longer.

Engine Power
Of course, the power of a plate compactor also affects the effectiveness of a given compactor for the job you’re looking to get done.
Horsepower is the more commonly known way to rate this, but you might see cc’s listed. Cc’s are cubic centimeters, and the best models for effectiveness usually range from 160cc to 260cc.
Horsepower (HP) is a more accessible representation of what the machine will do, though. The higher the horsepower, the stronger the power of the machine. Typically engines with 3 HP or higher will do the trick unless you’ve got some massive workloads on your schedule.
Plate Size
The size of the plate on the compactor will affect primarily the space the compactor will work on at a time. In the case of self-propelling compactors, this isn’t necessarily as big of a deal unless you’re working in tighter spaces.
Generally speaking, if you’re working on projects around the home, you want to aim for smaller plate sizes as they’ll be more versatile for your use. This will mean a bit more time working on an area like a driveway or large patio, but you’ll be more able to use these smaller compactors on retaining walls and path projects than you would a larger model.
Cómo elegimos
As we examined for the best plate compactor options to recommend, we kept in mind all the qualities we recommend you look for in such a product. From there, we looked for the best, highest-rated plate compactors from reliable brands to suggest in this top 5 list. Each comes from a well-known brand that’s respected in the business, has high ratings, and comes highly recommended by pros and consumers alike.
The Right Plate Compactor for You
Choosing the right plate compactor shouldn’t be too hard if you keep the suggestions above in mind. Your budget, of course, should also be a consideration as you shop, so keep that in mind. The choices we found for you to choose from should give plenty of food for thought, but our top pick is the basic, no-frills option of the Tomahawk Power Plate Compactor.
This right plate compactor meets all the requirements with no signification “extras” while offering plenty of power and BPM. It’s also one of the highest-rated options out there.