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88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!

Si tiene un entusiasta de la jardinería en la categoría de amigos y familiares, entonces sabe exactamente lo divertido que puede ser comprar, ya que parece haber una necesidad interminable de productos de jardinería tanto para el cuidado como para la estética de su propiedad. Ocasionalmente, puede quedarse perplejo al reducir sus opciones de obsequios, ya que no quiere darles lo que ya tienen, y si usted mismo no es jardinero, es posible que no esté seguro de qué, exactamente, será más apreciado.

Es por eso que proporcioné una lista de ideas a continuación para ayudarlo a decidir qué es lo más apropiado para comprar para su jardinero favorito, ¡e incluso ayudarlo a colarse en algunos "imprescindibles" para usted! Estas son ideas perfectas para cumpleaños, días festivos, jubilación o simplemente para celebraciones.

Regalos para jardineros principiantes

Cuando una persona decide dedicarse a la jardinería, generalmente lo hace saltando de cabeza y termina retrocediendo un poco a medida que aprende más y más sobre su nuevo pasatiempo. Es fácil sentirse un poco abrumado con la gran cantidad de productos disponibles para el trabajo en el jardín y el jardín. Siempre se agradecerá regalar algunos artículos simples y necesarios, especialmente porque estos serán de uso común y se reemplazarán regularmente a medida que crezca su pasatiempo.

Botas de Jardinero

La protección de los pies es IMPRESCINDIBLE cuando se trabaja en el jardín para evitar pincharse con palos y ramitas, mojarse los pies en la hierba mojada y proporcionar tracción para evitar resbalones. Hay MUCHAS, MUCHAS opciones para elegir, pero algunas de las mejores opciones son divertidas y extravagantes para ayudarlo a mostrar sus personalidades.

Botas Slogger para amantes de los pollos

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Los Sloggers son una opción popular para cualquiera que trabaje al aire libre. Sus estampados divertidos y opciones de estilo seguramente encajarán perfectamente con su jardinero favorito, como estas botas más altas que también protegen contra los días húmedos, lluviosos o cuando se trabaja en áreas de hierba alta.

Slogger original amante de las cabras

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


El Slogger más popular es un zapato sin cordones que brinda protección cuando se trabaja en el jardín y funciona como una solución rápida para correr a la tienda u otro lugar en un día lluvioso. Es un estilo fácil de poner y quitar para evitar tener que dejar lo que puede estar cargando. Además, vienen en divertidos estampados como estos cabritos o tus flores favoritas.

Botines Slogger

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Cuando la protección del tobillo es una necesidad, estos zapatos Slogger Bootie Style son una necesidad. Al igual que otros estilos de slogger, son fáciles de poner y quitar con las manos libres y aún así permiten una protección adicional sin una bota más alta para mayor comodidad y una opción más fresca.

Botas de lluvia cortas Hunter

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Las botas son una opción popular para la protección de los pies durante todo el año, y la bota de lluvia corta Hunter es una excelente opción para la persona a la que no le gusta la altura de una bota más tradicional pero que aún quiere una protección más alta. Estas botas son unos centímetros más cortas que la mayoría de las botas de lluvia para un calce más personalizado.

Guantes de jardinería

Los guantes de jardinería son otro artículo imprescindible cuando se trabaja en el jardín con plantas, tierra y herramientas de jardinería. No solo sirven como protección para la limpieza general, sino que también evitan cualquier problema de sensibilidad a plantas, insectos u otros alérgenos que puedan estar presentes en su jardín.

Genios del jardín

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Los genios del jardín son el guante soñado de los excavadores de jardines. A la mayoría de los jardineros les gusta meter las manos en la tierra y las plantas delicadas están mejor protegidas cuando se plantan a mano. Estos guantes te permiten cavar y trabajar en la tierra con facilidad gracias a las puntas de excavación.

Protección de antebrazo

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Algunos jardineros prefieren tener un poco más de protección que la que proporciona un guante de jardín ordinario. Estos guantes de estilo más largo no solo cubren la mano, sino que también permiten una protección completa de la muñeca y parcial del antebrazo. Estas son una excelente opción para trabajar en arbustos y plantas perennes leñosas.

Protección sin enganches

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


La piel suave de la palma de las manos y los dedos no es solo en lo que debe concentrarse al proteger sus manos. El dorso de las manos puede parecer un poco más duro, pero la fina piel de esta zona suele estar expuesta a rasguños y quemaduras cuando se trabaja en el jardín. Estos guantes tienen un reverso grueso a prueba de enganches para evitar lesiones en el trabajo.

Cobertura de muñeca

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Los guantes de jardinería son realmente imprescindibles para la mayoría de los trabajos de jardinería, pero a veces se quedan un poco cortos, pero una cobertura más larga puede sentirse demasiado caliente o ser restrictiva según las preferencias personales. Estos guantes son lo suficientemente largos para proporcionar protección ajustable para las muñecas, pero lo suficientemente cortos para mantenerlos frescos.

Lo mejor de ambos mundos

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


If long, protective gloves are a favorite, but they are a bit warm for the type of work being done in the garden, then these shorter gloves that cover the wrist and part of the forearm are the perfect alternative.

Thorn Free

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Even the best-rated gloves may be too think for the worst of your thorny plants. If roses, for example, are amongst your favorite plants, then they need regular pruning for excellent blooms. Unfortunately, they have a nasty ‘bite’, but these types of gloves can provide complete coverage to both hands and arms.

Gardening Tool Kits

Gardening tools are excellent to have around, and the best part is, you can never seem to have too many as they are nice to have in various places around a property to make them easily accessible. Plus, it may take some time for new gardeners to find exactly which tools they prefer to help aid them in their gardening chores. Since digging, planting, and weeding are inevitable, you might want to help them find the perfect product for an easier, more enjoyable experience.

Convenient Carry All Co

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Gardeners have a tendency to collect various helpful tool through the season to make their planting and pruning that much easier. But hauling them from one place to the next can be a real pain. This carryall has an easy to reach the handle and comes complete with a perfect starter kit of tools.


88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Keeping your tools close while moving about your garden is a convenience every gardener wants. This gardening apron allows you to take your tools with you wherever you go, plus, it doubles as great clothing protection.

Heavy Duty

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


A good garden apron is an invaluable product. This particular model has six separate pouches to fit all your tool needs and an adjustable neck for comfort. The kit also comes with a handy carrying tote, as well as all the tools you need.

Ultimate Startup

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This startup kit has everything a new gardener could possibly want, all in a convenient, hard-sided case for easy storage when not in use, or even portability from one site to another.

Snug and Secure

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


The fold over the top of this little carrying pouch holds your ties, seed packets, or any other small garden item you need. It also securely holds your tools in their respective pouches with flexible holds that adjust to various sizes.

Dynamic Duo

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This dynamic duo provides not only a convenient way to carry your tools around but also doubles as a durable stool upon which to sit when working in the garden. Easy to snap on connectors to hang your bag from the sea, as well as easy to reach pockets for your tools, this is must-have for any gardener.

Watering Cans

Most large gardens can be easily watered via a sprinkler or a nozzle head that provides a more gentle stream, but if you have potted or hanging plants or smaller planters, you will want to take advantage of the usefulness of a watering can. Watering cans also are excellent ways to add in compost teas, Epsom salts, or fertilizers to apply nutrients directly to the plants that need it.

Vintage Feel

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Metal watering cans have been around for a long time to help aide gardeners with their watering chores. These bright color choices bring back a taste of nostalgia and a pop of color to your yard.

Pop of Color

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


These jewel tones paired with copper are an awesome addition to your arsenal of gardening products, Solid metal construction and a range of colors to choose from are sure to be a favored gift.

Bright Blooms

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This bright little can boasts a brushed paint look and decorative flowering scenes of a unique watering option. Fill with a bouquet of flowers, or other small gardening goodies to make a gift worth remembering.

Sleek and Modern

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Whether for indoor use or out, this stainless steel watering can is of perfect proportions to get the water right where you need it. It also serves as a beautiful art deco piece for when not and use, and brightens up any area it is placed in.

Function and Design

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This fun design is both functional and stylish and can work in any gardening situation to help pour, or sprinkle the plants in need of care. Made from durable plastic, it is leak proof and should last your gardening buddy years.


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Made for durable function and regular use, this Rainmaker watering can is built with multiple handles to help balance its use. The sprinkler head can be easily removed and stored on the handy holder to get a more fluid pour if needed.

Pitcher Perfect

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Made for durable function and regular use, this Rainmaker watering can is built with multiple handles to help balance its use. The sprinkler head can be easily removed and stored on the handy holder to get a more fluid pour if needed.

Starter Seeds/Starter Seed Pots and Trays

It doesn’t take long for new gardeners to get wholly involved and enthusiastic about the many possibilities they can take advantage of in growing and caring for new garden beds. A gift of starter seeds, especially rare or heirloom varieties, and the means to get their own seed started will not be used for the purpose they are intended for. These are also perfect gifts for seasoned garden veterans as well. Seeds are easy to start indoors with the proper lighting solutions with the many affordable grow lights currently available, and fun cold frame designs that can be taken advantage of.

Something New

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Beginning gardeners often do best with tried and true plants to help them learn but love a small challenge to add to their growing garden. Experienced gardeners also love to add to their collection of unique, or rare vegetational varieties.

Survival Pack

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32 seed choice varieties await your selection in this Heirloom variety pack to help provide you with an abundance of edible garden choices. They are vacuum sealed for freshness, meaning you can store them for years if needed.

Organic Vegetable Kit

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


This is a perfect starter pack for your budding gardener and works well for younger children learning about the sustainability and responsibility of a garden. This is also perfect for small indoor grow under grow lights as it contains 5 vegetable varieties and everything you need to get started.

Starter Kit

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Garden enthusiasts love to start their gardens early before the last frost has passed. This ensures an older, stronger rooted plant to eventually transplant into your garden. These kits include holding trays and peat pellets for the feeding and protection of your seeds and seedlings.

Mr. Sprout Pick and Choose Kits

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Mr. Sprout kits are excellent additions to the new or established growers. These big, bright, and beautiful sunflowers are sure to be a favorite and can be planted off of year after year after initial seed harvest.

Peat Pot Bonanza

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Peat pots are always a welcome addition to a gardeners greenhouse. These pots are the seed starter solution everybody loves and can be placed directly into the ground when your plants are ready for transplant.

Starter Pot and Marker Combos

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Anyone who has ever planted their own seeds knows what a pain it can be to remember what holds what, and where the seedlings should be placed for maximum room. These pots come with markers to help keep your garden organized.

Tiny Tops

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These little seed tray sets are the perfect way to separate out your variable seedlings and keep track of growth easily through a clear plastic top that discourages evaporation. Essentially these are mini-cold frames and are a great way to start a garden.

Large Production Support

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These large starter trays are great for large production gardens. If large amounts of seedlings need to be started all at once, this type of tray can hold up to 72 plants for early growth in compact spaces, and easy transplant.

Flower Pots and Planters

One thing gardeners can never have enough of if pots and planters. I mean, have you seen the amazing arrays of colors, shapes, and sizes from which to choose? Narrowing down a choice in this category is near impossible, and when you try to do so, you almost always end up with more than planned (and the plants to fill them with). Crafty people can easily pick up old pots and refurbish them as well with very little effort- plus does this provide a more personalized touch.

Hanging Wall Planter

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Pops of color and whimsical ways to show off bright blooms are often a favorite of gardeners of all experiences. These fun hanging wall planters provide a sturdy support, and 6 pots for your choice of herbs or flowers. It is also perfect for indoor use!

Self-Watering Tiers

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Despite loving to work in their garden, nothing is more appreciated than a self-watering pot to help ensure beloved annuals and herbs are receiving the correct amount of water as they grow and mature.

3 Piece Pot Set

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Plants and flowers are only part of the color and texture providing interest in a garden. Pots are also an awesome way to provide a mix of aesthetics, and a gift of this beautiful clay pot trio is sure to become a favored place to showcase beautiful blooms.

New Heights

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Tall planters are a coveted item for both indoor and outdoor use, but unfortunately, they are often incredibly heavy and difficult to maneuver and move. This tall plastic planter is a perfect alternative as it is a much lighter choice than many clay and concrete options.

Wicker Planter Set

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The textures of this set provide interest and depth to wherever you decide to place them. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use, their design is unique and sure to be favorite in no time by gardeners and guests alike.

Mini Self-Waterers

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Small pots are perfect additions to your household as they can hold year-round greenery such as herbs, or colorful interest. These picks also happen to be self-watering to help keep your plants thriving and healthy.

Tiered Garden Planters

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This 4 foot tall, 5 planter garden is an excellent choice for smaller spaces. Patio and balcony gardens can definitely make use of this type of design, plus, they are perfect for city apartment dwellers who crave a garden of their own.

Gifts for Vegetable Gardeners

If your favorite gardener lives for their vegetable garden each year, and the harvest it yields, then your focus should be on what helps make their job that much easier. Everything from ways to help care for their growing plants, to gathering and distributing produce, and make them more comfortable while doing so should be on your list of gifts to give. ¿Y quien sabe? Maybe they will share in their abundance later in the year.

Gathering Baskets

If you have ever gone out to gather from a garden you know how quickly you run out of arm space. Taking trips back and forth to deposit the goods is always a hassle, so creating an easy means to help hold, and transport the harvest is always a great idea.

Traditional Garden Hod

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A garden hod is a type of large wood and metal basket design made specifically for harvesting garden produce. Although they don’t have to be used specifically for this purpose and can showcase plenty of other things as well, or hold your gardening tools.

Basket Set

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Baskets are incredibly multi-purposeful. They can be used year round for many different projects, gifting, and for carrying items from one spot to the next. This 3-piece set is perfect for your garden harvester as they separate out more delicate produce from others.

Berry Gathering

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When berry picking it’s best to use a larger, more shallow container to stash your berries in to avoid crushing them under their own weight. Wooden woven baskets are traditional picks for those days when ‘picking’ is on the agenda.

Antiqued Gathering Baskets

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These gathering baskets may look as if they were the best ‘junkin’ store find ever, but they are made and sold new and resemble a traditional style to provide you with years of use without the worry of age.

Picnic in Style

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Of course, you can use these as a picnic basket, but they also are a wonderful addition to your garden resources to help gather produce, or as a place to lay your cut flowers. The hinged handles are especially useful to keep them out of the way when you are loading up.


Moving gardening materials from place to place in your yard is a given during various times of the year. Whether you need to have your tools on hand, are incorporating new soils and plants to your existing beds, or need a convenient way to move your harvest to storage, a cart of some sort is a perfect gift for the gardener who has it all.

Ultimate Garden Cart

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Garden carts are the bomb for all sorts of helpful moving of items around your yard. This huge cart is not only easily maneuverable, but also well balanced and easy to use by just one person.

Steel, Removable Side Cart

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Steel carts are durable, and useful for so much more than just gardening work. This cart has removable sides for easy loading, unloading, and transport when necessary. The mesh sides and bottom also ensure easy drying.

Dual Wheel Garden Wheelbarrow

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This design is a perfect mix between a wheelbarrow and garden cart. The durable tires make it easy to move, load, and dump- and be a stable choice for use around the yard and garden when you need a dependable cart.

Collapsible Folding Wagon

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These utility wagons are the ultimate transport vehicle for all sorts of uses. It not only easily collapses, but can be washed, and hold up to 150 lbs. An adjustable handle and cup holders make it even more convenient.

Garden Dump Cart

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This garden dump cart is like your own mini dump truck. Durable and rust-proof, it can hold up to 600 lbs and moves easily on 10-inch pneumatic tires. Plus, there is no need to shovel out whatever you are hauling. Simply dump it where it needs to go!

Rolling Lawn Cart

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Capable of holding 15.5 gallons, this upright cart is made for easy portability of liquids or solids that need transporting. The design is of such that it is easy to move up steps when fully loaded, and the more narrow design is a good choice for putting in your vehicle to bring your nursery goodies in from the car.

Garden Hats

Working in the yard is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin D, but it is also a great way to get too much sun if care isn’t taken to protect your skin. When focused on the job at hand, most gardeners neglect their own care while caring for their garden. Grab up your favorite gardener a hat or two of various styles to provide them a shady workspace and protection.

Wide Brimmed, Shady Solution

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The colorful choices of these wide-brimmed hats are the perfect solution for sunny days when you want to work outside, but no amount of sunscreen will keep your face sun free. The light and breezy construction ensure excellent airflow for a comfortable gardening experience.

Packable Booney Hat

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Breathable polyblend with a UPF 50+ sun protection allows this hat to be a lightweight, cooling protection. Plus, it can be folded, rolled, and packed easily into a much smaller space without becoming wrinkled.

Morning Glory Hat

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The fun rolled brim of this woven hat can be tied up, or let down to provide an even more shady experience. Highly breathable and lightweight, this is a fun, fashionable choice for around your yard or on quick trips to the store.

Garden Signs / Plant Markers

Gardeners love nothing more than sharing the fruits of their labor with others. Labeling their flower gardens in various ways lends a quirky reminder through the dormant season of what is arriving come spring, and vegetable and herb markers allow for a quick and easy way to determine what was planted where. There are so many artistic and crafty ways to do this, and the following provides you with the perfect gift addition or even a great DIY idea for a truly personalized gift.


88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


These adorable plant markers mimic the tender leaves of new seedlings. They can be written on and are completely reusable. Sturdy and durable to keep from becoming brittle in the weather, these are truly a  unique addition to your gardening gift bags!

Hello Garden Tags

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Just like the traditional name tags, you have worn at an event, why not give your plants the opportunity to say hello as well with these adorable Hello Garden Tags? Bright colors and a reusable writing surface allows you to make use of these years after year.

Chalkboard Art

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These cute vegetable garden markers have all your favorite veggies artistically depicted along with their names in a faux chalkboard look. Not too flashy, they allow you to make note of which row contains which plant as your seedlings grow.

Rustic Markers

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Simple enough to DIY on your own, thin sliced wood “cookies” provide the perfect way to showcase your favorite garden vegetation. With a contrasting script, you can provide a whimsical, woody touch to your garden beds.

Pastel Ceramics

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These pastel colored ceramic markers are durable enough for outdoor use and are also easy to make.  The use of stamps can provide them with a completely personalized touch as well, and be part of your overall garden bed experience.


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Reclaiming wood pallets are a popular DIY technique as they can be used for many things. These fun garden stakes are easy to customize to your specific garden needs and a is a great addition to your landscape.


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Subtle, yet charming in every way, these wire script markers are an adorable addition to any herb garden. Four herb favorites are included with this pack and are a great choice to tie to a larger package or include with a variety of smaller gift items.

Welcome to My Garden

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Everyone loves to welcome their favorite people to their gardens. The antiqued look of this garden marker is a great addition to greenery everywhere and is sure to be a reminder of the one who gifted such a unique item.

Garden Beds/Planters

When a gardener talks about expanding their garden beds, they are most likely thinking about how to best provide easily accessible, and good looking additions to their property. This is the perfect opportunity to provide them with bed and planter ideas to help expand their gardens. After all, if you provide a place for them to plant, chances are they will quickly find a way to fill them!

Elevated Cedar Planters

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Raised planters are an excellent way to create space in smaller areas, or even to provide easier access for those who love to garden, but are unable to bend over too far to properly take care of it. Cedar also helps keep bugs away naturally.

Patio Planter

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A raised patio planter is an awesome addition to your porch, deck, or patio. This wicker style, raised bed style is great for small veggies, herbs, or a variety of summer flowers, and is easy to care for. Plus, it comes with a water gauge taking the guesswork out of your watering job!

Garden Posts

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A garden post is a great way to add greenery to small spaces, or even as additional garden bed interest. With a vertical rise, the 5 pots of this design can hold a variety of garden and flower favorites.

Easy Harvest

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Potato bags are the perfect solution to digging in the garden for your harvestable goods. These 7-gallon bags can be used for a variety of veggies, but are a favorite for root veggies as the raisable flap allows for easy access to your goodies.

Flowering Table

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This large raised flower bed is the perfect choice for rows of herbs and harvestable flowers. Two sides of the table provide flat surfaces to place your tools and various other garden needs to keep you from having to bend down – especially during planting and harvest times.

Other Gift Ideas

It may seem at times that your gardener has everything they could every need. But I assure you, this is in no way true, and they are always on the lookout for new techniques, tools, and other various products to add to their yard or help make their job easier. When you get stumped on what gifts to give, look for the unexpected and new.

Fertilizer Dispenser

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Most gardeners feed their plants regularly, but when your plants are within containers, sometimes it can be difficult. This watering can/fertilizer combo is a great solution to get both water and fertilizer right where it is needed without waste.

Folding Garden Kneeler

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Kneeling and sitting while you garden can take a lot of stress of your body and allow you to work much more efficiently. This folding kneeler does triple duty as a place to kneel, sit, and carry your tool around all in one convenient place.

Work Scooter

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A convenient seat that moves as you do is a great way to skirt along your garden beds as you weed and harvest. A durable little tray is available to put your tools and waste upon to keep from having to go back for multiple trips.

Digging Knife

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


A digging knife is an awesome multi-tool to have around. It can serve multiple purposes as it measures, cuts, and digs into tough surfaces. The wooden handle and concave blade is a unique gift even many experienced gardeners do not have.

Portable Mini-Cold Frame

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


A cold frame, or type of greenhouse-like plant protection, is a great way to provide a way to grow seedlings into larger, mature plants. They are especially handy to have when you want to extend your growing season.

Growing Racks

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


If your favorite gardener likes to start their plants early, it’s easy to see how they may struggle to find room for all their seed pots. Growing racks stack seed trays easily and provide light from all sides in order to save on room.

Portable Greenhouse Frame

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Greenhouse frames are great additions to the gardener’s toolbox. They can be used as true greenhouses, or even as cold frames. By providing protection to your plants, you can extend harvest, start plants early, or protect from inclimate weather through the growing season.

Instant Soil Tester

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Soil PH and moisture levels are crucial to plant health. Take the guesswork out of garden soil health with the use of a meter that can both measure PH levels to create ideal soils for specific plants, as well as moisture to ensure plants are receiving proper amounts.

DIY Gifts for Gardeners

The best gifts are those given with not only thought and love but also a personal touch that only DIY projects can give. When budgets are tight, or you are afraid of giving something they may already have, then peruse through the following to get your creative juices flowing for a truly unique gifting idea.

DIY Terrariums

Terrariums are an awesome way to provide a miniature garden that requires very little in the way of care but is still peaceful to look upon. Most garden and outdoor enthusiasts have an affinity for anything growing and find pleasure in these designs that provides a way to have a little greenery year round.

Air Terrariums

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Beautiful hanging globes filled with air plants that require little to no care are awesome gifts as they provide all the wonder of growing plants without extra work. These globes provide interest for any space they can fit within

Terrarium Pedestal Kit

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


If a hanging air terrarium is not a good choice due to a lack of places to hang a globe, consider a pedestal globe that can be placed on any flat surface. These kits are customizable, and unique to fit your favorite gardener’s decor.

Jar Kits

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Jar kits typically have everything you need to create your own terrarium. They make a perfect addition to a gift of tiny succulents or air plants that can fit within prior to sealing.

Other Gift Ideas

Whether you are looking for something unusual to create, or want to provide something helpful, the following list provides a great selection of ideas and products from which to choose from. Everything from ways to introduce a fairy garden to a garden space, to unique garden lighting and watering aides are included.

Fairy Gardening Tools

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Fairy gardens are a fun addition to any garden, whether new or old. They also fit well into pots! There is a large variety of miniature products for your garden fairies, and these gardening tools and pots are a great way to lend a helping hand.

Watering System

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Watering a yard garden can take up quite a bit of time if done by hand. Even the most diligent gardener would like a little help in this area from time to time, which is why a garden irrigation system is a great choice when a helpful gift is in order. Even more so if you offer to install it.

Window Planter

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


This woven window planter is absolutely adorable. The lining makes it a great addition to indoor windows as well, and if you plant it in advance with succulents and other small flowering plants it makes a beautiful living bouquet.

Light It Up!

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Glow in the dark pebbles is a fun way to add nighttime interest to your gardens. Whether they are used to line a driveway, a garden path, or are simple and fun things to add to various garden pots- they are a gift that keeps on giving.

DIY Garden Flag

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


These burlap flags are the perfect canvas for your favorite DIY-er to decorate their garden. Even better is if you add awesome seasonal or personalized designs for them! Some fabric paint and brushes are all you need to add to this gift to provide a fun, entertaining gift.

Nursery Tags

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Fancy garden markers are all fine and dandy, but what if quick solutions are needed rather than semi-permanent labels? These garden nursery tags are perfect to have handy for anyone who gardens and is a great addition

Garden Party!

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Garden gnomes are always fun to have placed in hidden places within a garden. These paint it yourself gnomes are an awesome way to throw a DIY party (complete with beverages is desired) for a fun take-home favor for all your gardening friends.

Fairy Garden Starter Kit

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


If you aren’t interested in sacrificing your clay pots and don’t have any broken ones handy, this planter is a great way to add both vegetation and a fairy garden detail to your yard. Perfect for patios, decks, or even tucked into your existing beds, this is a unique way to provide interest.

Living Wall

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Succulent walls are awesome for indoors, porches, and garden walls. Easy to make, this complete kit provides everything you, or your gardening buddy, need to create a stunning living wall.

DIY Garden Tractor Trailer

88 Regalos para jardineros:¡Fabulosos hallazgos que querrás conservar para ti!


Garden tractors are great ways to get your gardening tools from one place to another. If you can’t find that perfect trailer or would prefer to build your own, these plans are a great place to start!

DIY Stone Pathway

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Pathway molds can be used for so many projects, and work amazingly for their intended purpose. No more expensive brick pavers, or hiring a company. This type of mold makes a DIY project easily attainable. Having done it before, I can highly recommend!

To Conclude

No matter which of the above ideas (or combination of ideas) would fit your favorite gardener style, it is sure to be appreciated and put to good use. Many of these also inspire do it yourself type projects that can take on similar looks, appearances, or repurpose of materials. This is especially helpful when on a budget, plus they add a touch of personalization for those you love.

We’d love to see what kinds of gifting ideas you’ve put together below, as well as which are your favorite items- after all, you can browse through this without finding something for yourself! As always, please share with your favorite gardening people!